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Showing 15 results North West Northern Ireland
Changing The Story I Tell Myself
- North West Northern Ireland
Young people participating in this project are being encouraged to develop educational programmes and resources, using storytelling as one of the tools for improving mental wellbeing. They will work with a researcher and learn about approaches and methodologies in cultures and traditions across the world, as well as developing their own research and facilitation skills. Through workshops focusing on empowerment and positivity, the programme is allowing young people to build relationships and make connections though sharing their lived experience.
Dad's Minds Matter
- North West Northern Ireland
This project is recruiting and training volunteer dads to engage with other local fathers to identify issues and facilitate programmes to support each other’s mental wellbeing. The project is working with a researcher to train a group of dads to become peer researchers who will be able to gather information about the needs and interests of others in a similar position in order to inform the approach. By offering a supportive and collaborative environment, the project is improving the confidence and skills of dads in the local area and highlights the positive force they are in the lives of their children and wider community.
Belong: Supporting Mental Wellbeing
- North West Northern Ireland
This multi-stage project is working with patients of a local GP practice to help them discover their own strength and capabilities, leading to an improved sense of self and mental wellbeing. Through peer-support groups, and input from their researcher, the patients are being supported to become ‘peer researchers’ to help explore barriers and enablers to wellbeing, helping co-design a programme for wider rollout.