Tap into the power of 'if'
The Ideas Fund is a grants programme run by the British Science Association and funded by Wellcome, which enables the UK public to develop and try out ideas that address problems related to mental wellbeing by working with researchers.
Bring your ideas to life
If you have an idea that you think could help address a particular need in your community that relates to mental wellbeing and are keen to collaborate with researchers, we want to hear from you.

The scheme has been designed to test a new way of funding that connects communities with researchers to access knowledge, research skills and resources. We brought together community members, researchers and public engagement professionals and designed a fund together that is...
- Place-based
- Focused on mental wellbeing
- Committed to funding ideas with potential
For the story so far of The Ideas Fund, click here.
We are currently closed for applications.

Creating Community Through Circus: A Q&A with Cath from In Your Space Circus
The Ideas Fund is proud to support In Your Space Circus, a circus school and performance company based in Derry, Northern Ireland, that is supporting older people to have fun, develop new skills and build community through circus. We spoke to Company Director Cath about their work and their experience of The Ideas Fund so far.

Valuing Lived Experience in Research: A Q&A with Sally from Inspire Women
One of the projects we work with at The Ideas Fund is Inspire Women, an Oldham-based organisation that supports women with their mental health. We spoke to organisation founder Sally Bonnie about their community, how they’ve had to reinvent themselves after losing their centre during COVID-19 and the importance of valuing lived experience in research.
How peer research can have a big impact for local communities: A Q&A with Melody from Garelochhead Station Trust, and Christian from Men Behaving Dadly
Melody and Christian sat down with us to talk about their experiences of doing peer research in their communities, as part of The Ideas Fund. Melody is part of Garelochhead Station Trust, a charity that supports veterans, their families and the wider community in a rural community in Scotland. Christian is from Men Behaving Dadly, a group that supports Dad’s in Oldham to connect with their children through play.