Tap into the power of 'if'

The Ideas Fund is a grants programme run by the British Science Association and funded by Wellcome, which enables the UK public to develop and try out ideas that address problems related to mental wellbeing by working with researchers.

Bring your ideas to life

If you have an idea that you think could help address a particular need in your community that relates to mental wellbeing and are keen to collaborate with researchers, we want to hear from you.

Learn more
Fresh thinkers wanted
Yellow spark shape

The scheme has been designed to test a new way of funding that connects communities with researchers to access knowledge, research skills and resources. We brought together community members, researchers and public engagement professionals and designed a fund together that is...

  • Place-based
  • Focused on mental wellbeing
  • Committed to funding ideas with potential

For the story so far of The Ideas Fund, click here.

We are currently closed for applications.


Arc fitness gallery35
02 July 2024

Harnessing the power of exercise for addiction recovery: A Q&A with Gary from ARC Fitness

One of the projects supported by The Ideas Fund is ARC Fitness, an organisation based in Derry, Northern Ireland, that offers practical support for people struggling with addiction and promotes healthy and sustainable recoveries through exercise and positive lifestyle choices. The project collaborated with two researchers, Dr Leanne Doherty and Dr Clare Puddifoot from Ulster University to conduct research into gender-specific recovery programmes. We spoke to ARC Founder Gary Rutherford, who told us all about the research, what it’s like being part of The Ideas Fund and more.

PAUL brain injury
23 May 2024

Using community research to better understand the needs of families affected by Acquired Brain Injury (ABI): A Q&A with P.A.U.L for Brain Recovery

One of the projects supported by The Ideas Fund in Hull is Supporting Family Members Affected by ABI (Acquired Brain Injury), led by the group P.A.U.L for Brain Recovery. We sat down with project lead Leigh and researcher Alex to talk about the project, the benefits of community-led research and how they’re using their findings to improve services for families affected by brain injury.

BSA Ideas Fund social facebook 0723 Shannon OPEN
27 February 2024

How community-led research is improving understanding of youth mental health in Shetland: A Q&A with Shannon from OPEN

Over the last few years, OPEN has collaborated with researchers on a number of projects aiming to better understand youth mental wellbeing in Shetland. We recently sat down with Shannon Boston, one of the peer researchers involved in the projects, to hear more about their experience of doing community-led research.