Learning Stories
Thirteen Ideas Fund projects are embarking on a three year learning journey with us. We will be working together until 2027 to deepen the impact of these projects but also to explore in more detail how their impact is being achieved.

SAWN - Support and Action for Women Network
- Oldham
Find out more about how this charity hopes to use creative methods to explore their experiences, share their insights and influence local policy

Yellow Wood – working with Clarendon Medical Practice
- North West Northern Ireland
A better way to support wellbeing within a GP surgery. Learn more about how collaborating with a researcher has changed the patient committee at Clarendon Medical Centre

Youth Aspire Connect
- Hull
Normalising conversations about mental wellbeing. Learn more about how this youth led charity hopes to collaborate with NHS practitioners to improve their understanding of how to work with BME communities

Voice Speak Up
- Hull
Self advocacy through storytelling. Find out more about how a researcher from Hull University is collaborating with Voice Speak Up to explore issues around consent

Parenting Focus
- North West Northern Ireland
Supporting men to have conversations about wellbeing. Learn how Parenting Focus plan to build on the success of their ‘Dads' minds matter’ project to create a lobbying action learning group

OUT - Open up and transform
- Hull
Understanding the barriers that prevent people from connecting with the society around them. Discover how this local community group are working with an academic from Hull University to reimagine local services

OSHI Open Source Healing Initiative
- Hull
Using digital tools to support connections between those who want help and those that are able to give help. Find out more about how OSHI is rethinking peer led recovery

- Highlands and Islands
Embed peer led research in local systems. Discover how OPEN plan to give young people an equal voice at the table on decisions that affect them

Moray Wellbeing Hub
- Highlands and Islands
Ambitious about peer led research. Find out more about how Moray Wellbeing Hub intend to explore the use of digital tools to support peer researchers and create mental wealth.

Inspire Women Oldham (Inspiring Futures Partnership CIC)
- Oldham
Find out how this community of women is developing new research methods, and their ambition to change how research values different voices

Made by Mortals
- Oldham
Bringing lived experience to life. Discover how this participatory arts organisation intends to supercharge the impact of their work.

- Highlands and Islands
How to make co-production truly equitable. Find out how this creative peer led organisation hopes to influence national policy in Scotland.
Our intention is to learn more about what’s possible within community/researcher collaboration, and understand more about how this has been enabled through these partnerships.
Our ambition is to generate evidence which can be used by projects and The Ideas Fund team to influence funders, policy makers, universities and others, to adopt community-led approaches.