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Grant stories

Yellow Wood – working with Clarendon Medical Practice

Yellow Wood Project Team

Co-developing and demonstrating a better way to support wellbeing within a GP surgery

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    North West Northern Ireland

Yellow Wood are a collective of professionals in Derry who in partnership with social work colleagues, tried out a more holistic and empowering way of approaching wellbeing with a group of patients at Clarendon Medical. Together with patients, they have been co-designing and co-delivering a range of well-being initiatives, including establishing a patient committee to enable patients at the surgery to have a greater voice. They have been supporting group members to discover their own strength and capabilities, leading to an improved sense of self, agency and mental wellbeing. Most recently they have been developing a Zine which explains the approach they have taken to share their learning more widely.

It contains our ideas and vision for a future where health systems are designed using authentic coproduction with patients, and we are all patients somewhere. Our work proves that this is possible and that together, we are greater than the sum of our parts. Our hope is that it makes you think about, imagine and consider a different way. Ours was The Clarendon Way; what will your way be?

You can see their Zine here.

Through their Evidence Building Grant, they want to embed the patient committee and principles of co-production at the GP surgery. They also want to reflect more deeply on what has contributed to the strong relationships and positive impacts that have been created through their work so far. They’ll be working alongside a new researcher to help draw out their reflections. They also want to use what they’re learning to help shape healthcare more broadly, including the way practitioners in social work are taught.

The Clarendon Way Launch at Derry Guildhall Patrick Duddy Photography 126
The Clarendon Way Launch at Derry Guildhall Patrick Duddy Photography 96
The Clarendon Way Launch at Derry Guildhall Patrick Duddy Photography 98

In unpicking their own process, they ask “What happens when we risk vulnerability and dare to connect to each other as human beings first and foremost… beyond our ‘roles’?