You might have some more questions about The Ideas Fund. Your local Development Coordinators will be able to talk to you about the Fund and your idea, but we've put together some of the most common questions here.
Get in touch if you don't see what you're looking for or would find a conversation helpful.
What do we mean by mental wellbeing?
Experts define mental wellbeing in different ways, but we understand it as meaning:
"You care about yourself and for yourself. You look after your physical and emotional health - by eating well, sleeping well, exercising, connecting with others and enjoying yourself. You can cope with the stresses of life and can work productively - whether that's in a job, in education or through chores and hobbies."
What are the four locations The Ideas Fund works with?
We have been supporting community projects and funding work on systemic change in the following places:
- The Highlands and Islands of Scotland - communities and activities based in the council areas of Highland Council, Moray Council, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles Council), Orkney Islands Council, Shetland Islands Council, Argyll and Bute Council, along with the Isles of Arran and Cumbrae.
- The City of Hull
- North West of Northern Ireland - specifically the area covered by Derry & Strabane District Council
- The Metropolitan Borough of Oldham
Why have you chosen just four locations?
The Ideas Fund is committed to connecting communities with researchers as well as diversifying the voices within health research. During the development of the Fund, it became clear that a targeted, place-based approach would be the most efficient way of achieving this goal. We're focusing on just four areas so we can learn from our new approach to funding, and support long lasting change in the way community-researcher collaboration is supported.
What is research?
We define research as the careful, detailed and rigorous exploration or investigation of an idea or problem to create new knowledge or ways of doing things.