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Grant stories

Youth Aspire Connect

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Creating a safe space for families to talk about mental health and wellbeing

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Researchers, including one from University of Hull, are collaborating with Youth Aspire Connect on their NORM wellbeing project. The project is developing innovative tools to support young people, parents and community leaders in Hull to normalise conversations about mental wellbeing among young people from minoritised backgrounds.

As a result, their projects have seen benefits across the community, researchers, research institutions and local systems including establishing strong partnerships with the Hull City Council, NHS Humber and Humberside Police.

As a researcher, the work with The Ideas Fund has truly challenged my ideas about where the power lies in research processes, but perhaps more importantly, ..... how much skill exists within the community itself which demonstrates that this community is a powerful resource for the facilitation of change - long-lasting and sustainable change.

Over the next three years they plan to explore further how communities and researchers can work together as equal partners, empowering young people and communities to reflect on what questions to ask researchers when approached to engage with universities. They hope to create a young people/BME community advisory panel for university researchers.

Watch their awarding winning film Just Ignore It

Find out more about Youth Aspire Connect