Six further grants awarded after trialling new application process
28.01.22 By Beth-Louise Speed
Find out how we trialled a different application approach with a small number of applicants from the first round of the Fund, offering the opportunity to resubmit their proposals.
In September last year, The Ideas Fund team wrote a blog focusing on some of our learnings from the first round of the Fund, which included three reflections:
- Reduce the amount of time taken for applicants to develop and submit a proposal. Partly because of the levels of competition for funding but also to ensure the process is more open and accessible
- Work on clarifying the criteria of the Fund and what is eligible, an area we received consistent feedback about
- Creating more space for 1:1 support from the Development Co-ordinators which was highlighted in feedback as being highly valued
Recognising this and other feedback from September to December 2021 we trialled a different application approach with a small number of applicants from the first round, offering the opportunity to resubmit their proposals.
This approach was different from the first round in a number of key ways:
- We issued a small grant to each applicant to recognise the time required in revising their proposals
- By working with a smaller number of applicants, we were able to provide more dedicated 1:1 time and support from our Development Co-ordinators, in part to help provide more feedback and support around their eligibility for the Fund
- We provided guidance on the information we were looking for in a revised application, but were flexible in exactly what was received
We have already received positive feedback about this process as well as further areas for improvement (from the applicants, researchers, and Development Co-ordinators involved) and are really pleased to award a further six grants, of £25,000 each, based on the revised applications:
Northern Ireland
- Engaging with Ageing
- Best Hope
- Search
Highlands & Islands
- HighAbility
- Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath (CEUT – North Uist Historical Society)
- Support and Action for Women’s Network – SAWN
We are looking forward to working with each of these projects, alongside the 42 from the first round!
We are now undertaking a more in-depth review of the revised application process, and are considering how successful elements of this approach can be built into the next round of the Fund.
More details will be announced in the Spring, so watch this space! As ever, if you would like to get in touch with any of the team, please do so at