Catch up on the latest news from The Ideas Fund!

Register for our Ideas Fund learning conversations
Over the last two years, The Ideas Fund team and partners have been gathering learning about the processes, systems and relationships needed to support community-led engagement with research and researchers.
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The Ideas Fund announces first insight report
We have published the first insight report for The Ideas Fund, which captures our learnings and reflects on the progress we’ve made since launching the grant programme in January 2021.
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Ideas Fund Round One Project Extensions Announced
We are delighted to announce that The Ideas Fund has extended funding for 11 projects.
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The Ideas Fund announces £291,286 of funding
The Ideas Fund has awarded £291,286 to organisations in Hull, North West Northern Ireland and the Highlands and Islands of Scotland to run pilot projects that will seek to address the systemic challenges that community groups and researchers can face in working together.
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The Ideas Fund round two project funding announcement
Today Wednesday 8 February, 26 community projects have been awarded £1.2 million in grants from The Ideas Fund, in a second round of funding, to work with researchers to develop and try out ideas that address problems related to mental wellbeing in their communities.
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Project reflections and what's next
The Ideas Fund matches community groups with researchers to explore ideas related to improving mental wellbeing. In this blog we reflect on their progress and what’s to come for 2023.
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The Ideas Fund brings together people who have an idea about how to improve the mental wellbeing of their local community, to collaborate with researchers who can help turn their idea into a reality. We, along with The Liminal Space, have produced a video sharing some of the highlights so far, as told by project participants themselves.
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Round One - continued monitoring learning and reflections
We have recently been reading, listening and learning from the subsequent progress updates sent in Summer 2022. In this blog we look at some of the key headlines of the emerging learning's as the projects and relationships develop.
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The Ideas Fund project funding announcement - Round 2
We are delighted to announce the 28 organisations that have been shortlisted through Round 2 of The Ideas Fund. These organisations will now be offered a grant of £3,000 to help them develop their ideas around mental wellbeing by working with researchers over the coming months.
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Introduction to The Ideas Fund: Round Two webinar
This webinar, held on Wednesday 4 May, provides an introduction to The Ideas Fund and covers the support with the expression of interest process.
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Round 2 of The Ideas Fund announced with £1.2m in further funding
The Ideas Fund are excited to announce that they will be opening the next round of grant funding to support up to seven new partnerships in each of the four locations within the UK that the Fund operates.
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Round one - Monitoring reflections
The projects we funded at the end of 2021 have all started, and we have just received their first progress reports. Jill from The Ideas Fund team describes what we’ve learned from those reports so far.
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